Which vaccines are contraindicated if a child’s mother or other household member is pregnant?

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Which vaccines are contraindicated if a child’s mother or other household member is pregnant?
Having a pregnant woman in a household, including the child’s mother, is not a contraindication to administration of any routinely recommended vaccine.
Which vaccines can be given to breastfeeding women?All vaccines except smallpox and yellow fever vaccine may be given to breastfeeding women.Smallpox vaccine is contraindicated due to the theoretical risk of contact transmission of the vaccine virus from mother to child.The only yellow fever (YF) vaccine licensed in the United States (YF-Vax, Sanofi Pasteur) is contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding infants younger than 9 months of age. There have been three case reports of YF vaccine-associated encephalitis in infants under one month of age who were being exclusively breastfed at the time the mother received YF vaccine. ACIP currently recommends that women who are breastfeeding should be advised to postpone travel to YF endemic or epidemic regions; however, if travel cannot be avoided or postponed, the woman should receive YF vaccine. Although there are no data, some experts recommend that breastfeeding women who receive YF vaccine should temporarily suspend breastfeeding, pump, and discard pumped milk for at least 2 weeks after vaccination before resuming breastfeeding.